Tuesday Ten: Interior Design Dictionary

Interior design terms defined by Lauren Conrad
There comes a time in a girl’s life when it’s time to do a decorating overhaul. That might look like replacing your Ikea furniture that saw you through college or designing a new home with your significant other. Whatever the case, taking on an interior design project can be a big undertaking. I know that I had a lot to learn when I moved into my first apartment! Having little to no design experience, I quickly realized that there were a few terms that I needed to brush up on before making any big purchases. Words like chinoiserie and étagère were lost on me. If this sounds all too familiar to you, I’ve created a cheat sheet to help alleviate your struggles.
Below I’ve created a dictionary with ten of the interior design words you might not know. I wish I would have known these terms myself and I hope they help you out too! Keep scrolling to see which words made the list…
1. Chaise Longue  shaz lawng
A long, low chair with one arm that resembles a couch.
2. Armoire  arm-waar
An ornate wardrobe or cabinet.
3. Wainscot  wane-skit
Wooden paneling on usually the lower half of the walls of a room.
4. Chinoiserie  sheen-wah-zuh-ree
Chinese motifs usually from the 18th century that adorn art, furniture and architecture.
5. Étagère  ey-tah-zhair
A piece of furniture that has a number of open shelves.
6. Bergere  bur-zhair
A French upholstered armchair from the 18th century.
7. Toile  twäl
An early version of a garment made out of thin linen or fabric designed to test a pattern.
8. Faux Bois  foe-bwah
An imitation of wood or wood grain.
9. Ikat  e-cat
Decorative Indonesian fabric that is dyed before weaving.
10. Settee  se-tē
An upholstered piece of furniture with a back and arms that seats more than one person.
