Strawberry Mojitos | www.tablefortwoblog.comStrawberry Mojitos | www.tablefortwoblog.comStrawberry Mojitos |
I’ve always had this irrational fear of eating alone anywhere. Do you ever feel that way? Like, I can’t just be one of those people to go to a restaurant and get a table for one. I feel like people would think I’m a loser or something, or that they’d look at me funny. I mean, I know it’s stupid to think this way because who really cares what other people think? But, I can’t EVER do it. I always feel weird about it. I think it stems from high school or college, where you’re constantly surrounded by friends and then when you see someone alone, you automatically wonder why they’re alone and you just keep looking at them. Maybe it’s the introvert in the extrovert me that can’t do something as easy as eating at a bar or restaurant alone, but whenever I go on work trips and am forced to be by myself, I always just order room service cause of the fear of going to the bar and eating alone. It’s the weirdest thing, but then yesterday, after I went to the DMV, I went to get breakfast at Chick-Fil-A (I NEVER get a chance to do that because we’re always too late on the weekends) and when the lady at the register asked me, “here or to-go?” I actually said, “here.” I mean, I guess it’s like conquering a fear but I really just wanted to try to it to see how I felt about it. Maybe it’s an age thing. The older I get, the less I care what it looks like and the more it really is just about EATING. It felt fine, normal. I actually kind of liked it. I could focus on the food and could just people watch and think random thoughts instead of having to talk to someone else and keep a conversation going. Haha, I’m sounding really weird right now, but all I’m saying is, I definitely am ok eating by myself somewhere now! Although, it’ll still be in the back of my mind if people are looking at me funny :)
Strawberries are back in season and I’ve been buying them by the POUND every week! Wegmans has some good deals on them every time I go and just yesterday, I went to Costco and I totally bought 3 pounds of strawberries. Lots of yummy things to make :) they’re one of my favorite fruits. I almost ALWAYS get a strawberry banana smoothie anywhere I go and I will always choose strawberry as one of my ice cream flavors.
When we were on our honeymoon, we drank a lot of margaritas and mojitos. Ugh, it makes me miss Turks & Caicos that much more. Anyway – we would have one nearly every day. The mojitos on the island were so well made and when we went to dine at Stelle, Jason got this strawberry mojito. I knew I had to try to recreate it at home especially since strawberries are so abundant right now.
You’ll want to make a pitcher full of this. It’s REALLY good & can get a wee bit dangerous ;)

Yields 4
15 minPrep Time
5 minCook Time
20 minTotal Time
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 3 whole strawberries, hulled and sliced into quarters (so you'll have about 12 pieces of strawberry)
  • Handful of mint leaves (plus more garnishing)
  • 4 ounces light rum, divided
  • Juice of half a lime
  • Sparkling water or club soda
  1. In a small pot, make simple syrup by combining sugar and water together and melting over medium heat until all the sugar has dissolved. Set aside and let cool.
  2. In four 10-ounce glasses, place 3 strawberry pieces in each glass and add 2-3 mint leaves on top. Juice about a tsp. of lime juice into each glass. Using the back of a spoon, gently mull the strawberries, mint, and lime juice together until the strawberries and mint begin to macerate. At this time, put 1-2 tbsp of the cooled simple syrup into the glass, add the rum (evenly in each glass), ice cubes, then fill the rest of the glass with sparkling water or club soda. Garnish with more mint leaves and a slice of lime.
You'll have quite a bit of simple syrup leftover. I keep it in a jar because you can use it for numerous recipes and it's always nice to have it around and you don't have to keep whipping up new batches of simple syrup every time a recipe calls for it. Also, if you prefer more or less rum, tweak it to your taste! You can also make this non-alcoholic by omitting the rum :)

