Blood orange bellinis are the perfect brunch drink! Recipe on
So naturally, right before I sat down to write this drink post, I went to grab my glass of wine that I had just poured and taken one sip out of; and what did I do? Of course spilled it! ALL.OVER everything that is important in life (aka my iPhone and my laptop case). Thankfully the laptop wasn’t harmed but I was really freaking out that my iPhone was. Luckily I had a case on that too and the screen is pretty water repellant so all was good..except for that now empty glass of wine! Definitely fixed that. Anyway – so speaking of wines, I’m REALLY into sauvignon blanc’s because of their grapefruit taste. I adore grapefruit but because of the medication I take, I cannot ever have grapefruit because it has some weird interaction with the medicine and can ruin my kidneys (gasp!). So I guess turning to wine isn’t a horrible thing, but anyway – my point is, since Jason knows how much I adore grapefruit and white wine, he picked out a sauvignon blanc for me recently and it is like my favorite wine brand ever now.
Let’s ignore the fact that the wine brand sounds like a stripper (I honestly don’t know why I associate it with a stripper name) but have you ever tried Kim Crawford’s sauvignon blanc? An ice cold glass of it is so refreshing in the evenings. I rarely drink and now I’m drinking a glass every evening or every other evening. It’s that good!
But, we can’t ever forget my all-time favorite, and the one we had an insane amount of at our wedding: Prosecco. My first true love.
Blood orange bellinis are the perfect brunch drink! Recipe on
Blood orange bellinis are the perfect brunch drink! Recipe on
Given that it is blood orange season (it’s running close to the end of it, I think), and the fact that I love brunch drinks, I thought it’d be fun to make a blood orange bellini! It’s a fun drink to have with some girlfriends and it’s also really refreshing to have a glass of this during a Sunday brunch at home. It’s really easy to make and delicious! I love blood oranges. They’re stunning in color and have so much depth of flavor.
What do you think of my little gif (animated movie) above? Isn’t it fun?! I didn’t even intend on making one but that morning, Jason was on FaceTime with his parents and I needed a pouring shot so I set up my tripod and remote control and went to town on snapping multiple photos in a row. When I was culling through my photos on the computer, it worked out that they would be awesome sequential shots for a gif movie! Yay :)
Yields 4
5 minPrep Time
5 minTotal Time
  • 4 blood oranges or 1/2 cup blood orange juice
  • Bottle (750mL) of Prosecco, chilled
  1. In a measuring cup, juice the blood oranges.
  2. In four tall champagne glasses, evenly divide the blood orange juice in each glass.
  3. Fill the rest of the glass with Prosecco.
