Best Ever Chocolate Cake

Best Ever Chocolate Cake is a rich chocolate cake layered with homemade chocolate mousse and finished off with chocolate buttercream.
Happy 3rd Birthday to A Dash of Sanity! And this cake was the best way to celebrate.
If someone would’ve told me 3 years ago I’d be on a cruise ship in Mexico traveling for a week, eating some of the best food, drinking drinks I didn’t even know existed and hanging out with some amazing, talented, strong, empowering women that have become my friends, I would’ve laughed. But I am with with Courtney from Sweet C’s Designs and some new found blog friends.
If 3 years ago you would’ve told me that I’d be taking pictures of everything I eat – if you would’ve told me that I’d be sharing my favorite things with others and sharing my secrets to my “sanity”, I would’ve giggled until I peed my pants, which actually isn’t that hard for me to do since I’m a mom of 5. But honestly, this blog, this life, wasn’t something I even thought of dreaming of.
Highlights of my blog have been meeting some of the sweetest, dearest people in the world and making friends on-line who have empowered me, had faith in me and challenged me to be better, virtual friends who have become authentically real friends in my life. Oh, you so know who you all are.
Three years ago, I was a mom, a wife, a sister, a friend, a daughter. And guess what? I am still all those things and more. But I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for my family’s and friends’ support. Then there’s the best team on the planet: The A Dash of Sanity TEAM, including Maggie, my go-to friend and guru, do-it-all Jen, who rocks at social media, and Megan, the newest team member to A Dash of Sanity, who comes and helps me manage the kitchen, piles of dishes and is the best round-up seeker.
But the biggest shout out goes to my hubby, Jake – my number one, my lover, my biggest fan and the best looking human being on this earth. He has put up with my ups and downs, the many personalities that have appeared because of my blog, late night runs to the grocery stores, dishes and more dishes and days the fridge is full of food but I insist we go out. He has carried me through moments where I thought I couldn’t do it anymore, moments where I wanted to give up, moments where I felt alone. Throughout it all, he’s held my hand, whispered sweet nothings and kissed me until I cracked a smile. He cheers with me and gets just as thrilled when new opportunities present themselves – whether or not I take them. He loves being my traveling buddy and is super stoked to head to Jamaica with me on a “work” trip next week.
And I can’t forget my 5 little sous chefs and fans. They are my constant inspirations and critics. They make me a better mom, person and “chef”. I can’t imagine my life without them. They are my JOY!
My sisters are those make me laugh through this entire thing – if you could only see our text messages. Special shout outs go to my sister Nicole, my Starbucks buddy, Pinterest guru, work-out buddy and mentor and to my mom and dad who always supported me no matter what.
Had you asked me 3 years ago if I would be living the dream, I would’ve answered yes. Because my dream is to do what I love with the people I love, and I am learning every day just what that is. The journey has been great – not Hollywood perfect, but San-perfect. God is my number one, family number two and all the rest are the sprinkles on an already loaded sundae.
Cheers to chocolate cake, friends, family and doing what we love. Happy 3rd Birthday A Dash of Sanity! Thanks guys for your continuous love. XOXO San
Best Ever Chocolate Cake
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 35 minutes
Total Time: 3 hours, 5 minutes
Yield: 12
Best Ever Chocolate Cake
  • Chocolate Cake
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 cups sugar
  • ¾ cup cocoa
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1½ teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup milk
  • ½ cup vegetable oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 cup boiling water

  • Chocolate Mousse
  • 3 cups heavy cream, divided
  • 12 ounces dark chocolate or semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/4 white sugar
  • Chocolate Frosting
  • 3/4 cups butter, softened
  • 1/2 cup cocoa
  • 2 1/2 cups confectioner’s sugar
  • 3-4 tablespoons heavy cream, milk or chocolate milk
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Chocolate Cake
Pre-heat oven to 350ยบ F. Grease two 9-inch round cake pans with cooking spray and lightly dust with some flour or cocoa poweder
In mixing bowl, I use my Kitchen Aid add flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Stir until well combined.
Add milk, vegetable oil, eggs, and vanilla to flour mixture and mix together on medium speed until well mixed. Reduce the speed to low and add boiling water to the cake batter a little bit at a time. Once the water is all mixed in beat on high for about 1 minute.
Evenly distribute cake batter between the prepared cake pans.
Bake for 30-35 minutes, until a toothpick or cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean.
Remove from the oven and allow to cool for about 10 minutes, remove from the pan and cool completely.
**Don't worry if the cake falls in the center, it will still turn out just fine. I have this happen every once in a while, for instance when I forget to stick the cake in the oven and it sits on the counter for a while....not that I do that too much. (wink, wink)**
Chocolate Mousse
In a small sauce pan add the whipping cream and bring 1 cup to a boil, remove from heat and add in chocolate chips. Do not mix or stir them in, let the chocolate sit for 5 minutes. Stir until smooth. Let it cool to room temp, you do not want it warm or hot.
In a large bowl, beat 2 cups chilled cream with 1/4 cup sugar. Beat until stiff peaks form. Fold whipped cream into chocolate mixture.
Set in the refrigerator until ready to use to layer cakes.
Cut each round cake in half. Place one layer on a cake plate or the serving plate you will be using. Add 1/3 of the chocolate mousse, you don't need to be exact just eyeball it.
Allow the cake to chill in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours. Then frost the cake with the chocolate buttercream.
Set back in the refrigerator until ready to cut, serve and devour.
Chocolate Buttercream
In a stand mixer cream together butter and cocoa powder until well-combined.
Add powder sugar and milk to cocoa mixture by adding 1 cup of sugar followed by about a tablespoon of milk. After each addition has been combined, turn mixer onto a high speed for about a minute. Repeat until all sugar and milk have been added.
Add vanilla extract and mix well.
Tip to get the right consistency of frosting you may need to add additional milk or powdered sugar. If frosting appears too dry, add more milk, a tablespoon at a time until it reaches the right consistency. If it appears to wet and does not hold its form, add more confectioner’s sugar, a tablespoon at a time until it reaches the right consistency.
Store the remaining cake in the refrigerator, if there are any leftovers.
Chocolate Cake & Chocolate Buttercream from Best Ever Chocolate Layer Cake
Chocolate Mousse recipe from Death by Chocolate Mousse
